
Towards Truly Embedded Linux

As Linux is increasingly popular in the field of embedded applications, it is time to rethink the core structure of the Linux operating system. In particular, switching from the Unix multi-user paradigm to something tuned for embedded applications could increase reliability and security in Embedded Linux applications.


Rademacher Functions as Discrete Sines

This is a short piece on the family of Rademacher functions It is taken from a piece I wrote for a class. As plus, it illustrates how KaTeX gets rendered on this blog.


Die Abstiegsgesellschaft: Sozialer Abstieg

In “Die Abstiegsgesellschaft” (2016) legt Oliver Nachtwey die Idee einer “regressiven Moderne” dar, einer vielleicht progressiv wirkenden Entwicklung in der aber zuvor erreichte soziale Standards von Integration und Aufstieg wieder umgekehrt werden. Eine Folge davon ist eine “erneuerte Klassengesellschaft”, welche die deutsche Bevölkerung in Ober-, Mittel- und Unterklasse unterteilt. Während die Oberklasse ihrer Position recht sicher sein kann und von Steigerungen in der Arbeitsproduktivität profitiert, kommt es in der Mittelklasse zunehmend zu Abstiegsängsten. Aus der Unterklasse ist Aufstieg kaum noch möglich, selbst Vollarbeitszeitverhältnisse sind oft prekär und für die Betroffenen nicht zukunftsgerichtet. Schlussendlich stellt sich die Frage, wie sich eine solche Gesellschaft zukünftig entwickelt, also wie in der Gegenwart einer derartigen Ungleichheit gesellschaftliches Zusammenleben möglich sein soll.


Autocutsel and an Introduction to Systemd User Services

This post shows how to run autocutsel as a systemd user service to keep X11 clipboards in sync.


The Tip of the Tounge

Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue that goes right up the lip, down the throat to tap, at the lip. Lo-lee: the top of the tongue going down to the top of the teeth. Lo-ler-sa: to go into the mouth. Lo-ll: to drink, to swallow a cup. Lo-ll: to drink. Lo-lle: to drink and forget about it. Lo-lle-sa: to drink and forget about it again. Lo-lle-sa: to drink and forget about it to be sure. Read more...

Jelly Comb WGJP-012 on Debian 10

To use the cheapo USB touchpad branded as Jelly Comb WGJP-012 on Debian 10 Buster, you might have to do a bit of tweaking.


Compiling aarch64 Binaries for gem5 SE Mode

Update April 2019: As of this commit, aarch64 Linux binaries should work as-is in SE mode, even if compiled with glibc. Thank you Ciro for letting me know. The gem5 simulator has a useful system call emulation mode that lets you run programs without a Linux kernel. The system calls issued by your program are handled by gem5. Unfortunately, using regular GCC with glibc creates programs that gem5 does not fully support. Read more...

Squelch Annoying LaTeX Output

pdflatex has ridiculously verbose output. Compiling a simple Hello World kind of document is already too much for me.


Java Streams for Python Programmers

With Java 8, streams were added to the language. This post describes how typical Python list comprehensions can be implemented in Java using streams.


Compressing, Extracting and Listing with tar

The Unix tool tar is a bit awkward to use because most of the time it isn’t called with flags like -l or -v. With tar, all flags are usually smashed together in the first argument.

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